Highlight of the Week -- Books, books, and more books!
I've haven't done one of these in the last couple of weeks, so I thought I would get back into the swing of things this week. So... what was my highlight of the week? Lately, I have been thinking a lot about books. I signed up for many reading challenges for the year, have been reading blogs about books, added to my "To Be Read" list, and went to the library multiple times. I love wandering the stacks finding interesting books. Sometimes I have a list, sometimes i just choose an aisle and look at the shelves, and sometimes I let covers catch my eye. On Friday afternoon, I had the urge to go book shopping. I don't have much extra money lying around, but I thought I would just go look at the used book stores. I went to Half Price Books and what did I find? A whole ton of awesome $1 clearance books. I love it when I find bargains. So I went a little crazy. I bought 13 books and it cost me a total of $20 (two books were a bit more than $1, but they are on my reading challenges list). I got up to the register and the clerk had a surprised look on her face when I plopped them all down. But she just rang of my books and then said, "I bet you want a bag today." Yes, yes I did. Usually I request no bag if it's just a few books, but 13 was pushing the limit. Add my ridiculous clumsiness and snow on the ground, and I got a bag. As I hauled my loot out of the store, I started thinking, which one am I going to read first? Very difficult question... but as it turns out I chose to read a library book instead of my new treasures. They will have to wait until next week.