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Music Monday -- Ok Go "Last Leaf"

A new weekly post: I love music! So I thought it would be fitting every Monday to discuss a can't-get-out-of-my-head song, album, artist, or music video.  Knowing what kind of music a person enjoys says a lot about them. So let's explore what my music says about me. For this Monday, I ran across this great music video by Ok Go.

Ok Go is known for their inventive music videos and this one is no exception.  The video itself is awesome.  The imagination, the continuity, the visuals, the toast.  It takes a lot for me to take notice of a music video.  It has to be something inventive, new, unusual.  This video fits all those categories.  I randomly ran across this video on someone else's blog, that I actually can't remember. (I know, very bad of me)  Upon reaching the end of the video, my only response: stunned silence.  I was shocked into silence.  I couldn't believe what I just saw.  I had to play it again.  Awesome, just awesome.  *Side note: After watching the video, I was actually craving toast.  Pretty funny.

On to the lyrics:  So simplistic, yet still poetic.  I found myself humming this song for the rest of the day.  I don't actually own the album the song is on (Of the Blue Colour of the Sky), although I do own two other Ok Go albums.

The lyrics are a love letter. I wish someone would write a love letter like that to me.  Unfortunately my bf is way too much of a tech geek to do things like that.  So I will live vicariously through music such as this.  Enjoy!

If you should be the last autumn leaf hanging from the tree

I'll still be here waiting on the breeze to bring you down to me

And if it takes forever, forever it'll be

And if it takes forever, forever it'll be

And if you should be the last seed in spring to venture forth a leaf

I'll still be waiting on the rain to warm your heart for me

And if it takes forever, forever it'll be

And if it takes forever, forever it'll be