I’m going to focus and trying to accomplish my already started projects!
Short list of projects to complete:
Quentin’s 2018 PL album - currently in March
Arthur’s 2017 PL Album
Arthur’s 2018 PL Album
Family 2019 PL Album - haven’t even started, but do have the supplies
WITL 2019 kit
Various half-down cards laying around
I’ll probably also throw in some card that I’ll make from start to finish throughout the 100 days. And there’s usually a surprise project that crops up. So I’m not going to restrict myself too much. I just want to work on one of my projects each day. The daily time could be 5 minutes or 2 hours, but the idea is to do something toward one of my craft projects. I’m going to do weekly (or biweekly) posts on here with my progress. And I’m going to try to document daily on instagram (@TFrances19).
Update #1: April 2nd - 14th (Days 1 - 13)
The first two weeks of this project were so incredibly productive! In total I finished:
35 pages of Quentin’s Project Life Album = 20 weeks!!!!
March Memory Planner Pages
One Planner Week
One Regular Card
Five Make n Takes at Stampin’ Up!’s OnStage
Hoping to keep up the momentum!