Wading Through...

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Reading: Feed by M.T. Anderson. It’s one of those perpetual list books on my TBR list.

Watching: After spooky movie month, we’ve been watching a few of our currently reading shows and random documentaries. On Sunday, we continued our music documentary kick with Echo in the Canyon about the music from the 1960s coming out of Laurel Canyon. Really good documentary!

Listening: Going back and listening from the beginning of The To Read List podcast. Another book podcast in my queue.

Making: Working on those Christmas cards. I have about 66 done so far with another 50 to make.

Feeling: Everyone in the house is a bit under the weather. I probably feel the best of everyone, but I still don’t feel great.

Planning: Our November calendar is very light right now. I think I need to schedule a few activities.

Loving: I stole all the Almond Joys from the kids’s Halloween bags. And then I pinned a ton of random coconut recipes to my Pinterest boards. And I’m hoping to make Apricot Coconut Scones later this week.