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August Crafting Goals

A recap of last month’s goals: Turn's out that July was just not my month when it came to crafting. I ended up taking an unscheduled blogging break for two weeks. I just couldn't keep up with everything else going on. 

  • May 2018 PL pages -- Fail
  • June MP Pages -- Fail
  • July and August SSINK posts -- Fail

August Goals: We are moving at the end of September, so I need to streamline my crafting projects and goals.

  • May, June, July 2018 PL Pages -- I'm getting behind!!! I have the pictures printed so I just need to make my spreads. 
  • June and July MP Pages -- I also want to catch up in this project.
  • August and September SSINK posts -- I had to take a break so now I'm behind.
  • Fall Bingo Make n Takes -- I think I have decided on what to buy and feature, but now I need to order and make the examples. 
  • August Stamp Club Projects -- My last stamp club while in California. 
  • Organize planner supplies -- I need to figure out what I am packing and what to leave out for travel time.
  • Pack up PL supplies -- I need to finish the first listed project so I can then finish this goal.