Wading Through...

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Watching: January is traditionally a month of new-to-me movies. I've already started, catching up on some silly Hallmark Channel Christmas movies.

Reading: Mom got Hannah Hart's Buffering for free at the library and had no idea who Hart was. I jumped at the chance to take the book off my mom's hands.

Listening: Twins are playing video games of course. It's a constant background noise during school breaks.

Making: Finishing up the 2016 Holiday albums. Only a few things left to do before I can give them to my mom, in-laws, and grandma and grandpa.

Feeling: Baby's not sleeping great right now meaning I'm usually tired.

Planning: We go back home in a just a few days. I've been busy figuring out our January activities and attempting to meal plan.

Loving: As much as I hate the cold and would never move back to Indiana, I did enjoy having snow on the ground this year.