Wading Through...

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Project Life August-September 2016

August -- August was a super light month when it came to photos. We didn't do as many activities due to me feeling bad and dropping down to one car again. As for the inserts and journaling cards, I pulled out WRMK's Archived kit. I don't think I've used this kit for at least a year. It was a nice change of pace.

September -- Lots of pictures and activities from September. It was our last chance to fit in a ton of events before the baby arrived. For my inserts, I took the color scheme from the September monthly card and pulled from the Kiwi kit. I love the bright colors and fun designs.

The last week of September is a special thread celebrating the arrival of baby Quentin! I love how this spread turned out! The pops of blue, green, and pink help pull all the pictures together.