Wading Through...

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Watching: J and finished Turn S2 last night and it was amazing! We finally get an appearance by Alexander Hamilton. Benedict Arnold's treachery is revealed. Captain Simcoe gets a bit of comeuppance. And we see the eventually meeting of Andre and Talmudge. It was so good! Now we're wondering if they are going to make a third season. If they do, I imagine we would be focusing on the run-up to Yorktown. I'd be okay with that.

Reading: Voyager by Diana Gabaldon. I finally dove into the third in the Outlander series. About 300 pages in and I'm liking it more than Dragonfly in Amber.

Listening: Loving the Nina Simone Pandora channel lately.

Making: Finishing up a load of freezer meals just ahead of having this baby!

Feeling: I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and feeling it. Tired and super sore all the time.

Planning: Quentin arrives in less than week and I'm trying to tie up the little loose ends before he comes.

Loving: After a cool down, the temperatures were back in the high 80s this past weekend and few days. Not excited about the heat, but it has allowed Arthur and I to visit the pool a few more times before the baby comes. As an added bonus, swimming relieves some of the pressure I'm feeling.