- Prep the new baby's PL album -- Now that I have the album and kit, I can get this organized
- July PL pages -- Always on the list
- Catch up Arthur and twins' albums -- Slacking just a bit. Need to get back up-to-date.
- Participate in a craft garage sale/post leftovers onto Craigslist -- I really really really want to get the for sale items cleaned out.
- Plan out Arthur's birthday party crafts -- We've moved his party up a month (rather be pregnant than with a tiny newborn), so I need to get this started in August. He wants a Paw Patrol theme. I have some ideas for crafty projects, but need to nail down a specific plan and start executing.
A recap of last month's goals:
- June PL Pages — Success!
- Prep the new baby’s PL album — Fail. The core kit I ordered didn't arrive until the very end of the month.
- July Open House Crop — Success!
- Post retired/sale items on Craigslist —Fail. I never got around to posting, but I did reorganize and inventory everything to put out at the craft garage sale this month.