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August 2015 Crafting Goals

A recap of last month’s goals:

  • Finish twins’ 2014 scrapbook pages —Success! Their albums are actually caught up to this June. Only two months behind! Woohoo! I am planning on tackling their summer pages in August.
  • Finish June PL pages —Fail. With the twins and my mom being here, I completely forgot to edit and print my pictures. By the time i realized and completed the task, the pictures didn't arrive until two days ago. So of course, I haven't actually gotten these done at all.
  • Organize the kid crafts cabinet —Success! As part of my big craft area overhaul, I tackled this cabinet first. Lots of stuff to donate, sell, or trash. The rest was put back in a reasonable order.
  • Make one other non-card craft project —Success! I started some traditional scrapbooking pages for the Find Your Voice class.
  • Make Beautiful Butterflies and Technique class cards —Fail. Well, I guess not really my fail. No one signed up to take either of these classes so I canceled them.
  • Schedule July and August classes and open houses — Success! I took most of July off, but started up my classes again the last week. And I went ahead and scheduled out August.

This month’s goals:

  • Catch up Arthur and twins' PL albums -- I am three months behind in Arthur's book and two months behind in the twins' books. Very doable if I focus for a day and catch up.
  • Finish June and July PL pages -- Because of my fail last month, now have two months to do in August. Doable, but need to buckle down. I hate getting far behind.
  • Complete a Week in the Life album -- I preordered Ali Edwards' kit and it has arrived. The week is set for August 17th-23rd. I want to make sure I have my kit ready to go before that week and my goal is to finish the album by month's end.
  • Inventory my completed cards -- I need to swap out the old retired product cards to my for sale pile, inventory my for sale pile, and organize my current products cards.
  • Pull, price, and sell craft items for the garage sale -- A few demos and I are having a huge craft garage sale on August 22nd. I have a craft area bursting at the seams. Hopefully the sale is successful and I can weed out the old, tired, or just plain ugly stuff from my area.