Wading Through...

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Watching: J and I ventured out last night and saw Avengers: Age of Ultron. J and the twins had both seen it, but I hadn't. I was going to take the twins to see Jurassic World last night, but apparently they have made a plan with my mom to see it. So they didn't want to go. Instead, we put the baby to bed, and let the twins and the baby at home and went and saw Avengers. So good! I'm glad I actually got to see it in the theater.

Reading: The Lost Soul by Gabriella Pierce. I felt the need to finish this slightly ridiculous series.

Listening: It's garbage day which means listening to three trucks: composting truck, trash truck, and recycling truck. It's very noisy on Monday mornings around here.

Making: So many lists! I've got a list for everything and I love it.

Feeling: Last week was rough. I'm trying to keep a more optimistic mindset with the start of the week. Already I feel less stressed. Hope this feeling continues.

Planning: The twins have swim lessons Mon-Thurs, but only for an hour each day. We're hoping to fit in the library, lunch at Sonic, Golfland, and maybe some other activity this week.

Loving: Coffee! So yummy!