Wading Through...

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Watching: The Kingsman. A movie that didn't take itself too seriously, I'm loving it!

Reading: Fire by Kristin Cashore. I hope to finish it today sometime. I only have about 100 pages left.

Listening: Amy Winehouse Pandora channel. Loving the mix of old and new on that channel.

Making: Teriyaki chicken is in the crockpot for dinner. I like to make mine with extra sauce to pour over the rice. Yum yum!

Feeling: Arthur finally slept through the night again. I woke up today at 7:30am feeling well-rested. However it's a bit chilly here today, so socks are must!

Planning: It's time for the parents' group biannual membership survey. I keep many of the same questions each time, but like to customize to the season, etc. Thinking of some different questions and activities today.

Loving: Really enjoying my hazelnut flavored coffee today. I'm on my second cup!