January 2015 Crafting Goals
A recap of last month’s goals:
- 30 Days of December Daily -- Success! I've gotten this project almost finished. I have a few little pieces to finish once I get back home this week.
- Finish grandma's calendar -- Success! Finished before Christmas Day and it looks awesome!
- Finish the December Memories albums -- Success! And they look awesome. I'll be sharing them later this month.
- Finish my year end posts before my blogging break on Dec. 22nd - Success!
- Create a 2015 blog plan and ideas list -- Success! Got some great ideas for posts for throughout the year.
- Make a organization plan for my new craft space -- Success! I think I know exactly what i want to buy. I need to make a trip to The Container Store to get my supplies. Until them, I'm focusing on cleaning out my supplies.
- Start/plan my PL journal planner -- Success! I have my planner and know how I'm going to use it to keep up with PL throughout each month.
This month’s goals:
- 30 Days of Craft Ideas -- I want to create a running list (or board on Pinterest) of craft ideas that I want to actually make this year.
- Put away/organize my new craft space -- I tried to design an organization plan last month so this month is implementing it.
- Finish my DD album -- I got most of it done in Indiana. I just need to wrap up a few aspects and official put it to rest.
- Finish 2014 PL albums -- Just the last few weeks to finish up before I can official close out 2014.
- Prep 2015 PL albums -- I decided that I wanted to do cohesive month cards since I am changing my format. Plus I want to prep some of the currently inserts, TBR wraps, and life goals inserts before I dive into the month.
- Plan and make winter social crafts -- Our social is in a few weeks. We have a plan and craft ideas, but items need to be bought and examples made.