Wading Through...

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Stamps and Punch Inventory

 Do you have too many stamps and punches to easily remember?  Do you reoutinely "discover" stamps and punches that you already own?  I definitely do!  And something needed to be done to help me organize.  Enter Pinterest!  I scoured for an easy way and relatively free way to organize.  I finally settled on creating a stamp and punch inventory.  This way I don't have to have the physical items always within arm's reach.  But I can still quickly look at my inventory when choosing what to use.

Stamp Inventory: I took regular white card stock and stamped every set.  I went a little further by grouping stamps by Christmas, holidays, occasions (birthdays, etc), sentiments, and no sentiments.  I then hole punched the sheets and placed them in a cheap binder.  I can keep the binder right under my desk.  Any time I want to choose a stamp, I grab the binder and flip to the appropriate section.  Easy peasy!

 Punch Inventory: Same premise at the stamp inventory.  I chose to use a set of blank playing cards as my base instead of full sheets of cardstock.  I then grouped the punches (circles with circles, scallops with scallops, etc) and started punching.  If I knew I was missing a size, I left a spot for it on the cards.  Otherwise, I tried to put at least two punches per card.  I also added the punch name and/or size for easy reference.  This guide hangs on my bulletin board above my desk for easy access.

I may end up using a different system in the future, but for right now this work's great.  Since making these, I have found myself using many stamps that I would have otherwise forgotten.  It serves it's purpose!